Climate Strike on West Sands

Our elected student officers sit on the Student Representative Council

The Students' Representative Council (SRC), is the legally recognised body for student representation at the University of St Andrews since 1889, including all SRC subcommittees.

The Standing Orders dictate how Councils operates.

Meeting dates

Any matriculated student can attend the beginning of a Councils meeting, and may speak to Councils during the open forum section, whether to raise issues they feel Councils should be addressing, or to give opinions on a motion. 

The meetings this Academic Year will take place at 6pm in Large Rehearsal Room or on Teams, on the following dates:

  • Tuesday, 17 September 2024
  • Tuesday, 15 October 2024
  • Tuesday, 19 November 2024
  • Tuesday, 28 January 2025
  • Tuesday, 25 February 2025
  • Tuesday, 25 March 2025
Submit a motion

If there's an issue you think the Students' Association should address, support, or denounce, you can submit a motion. If approved, motions can force the Association to take action, sending a clear message that students are united on a particular topic.

Any matriculated student may add a motion to an agenda:

  1. Write your motion. See the how-to, and past examples in the documents section below.
  2. Collect signatures and matriculation numbers from 25 students. Full names are not necessary, and you count as one of the 25.
  3. Send your motion and list of signatures/matriculation numbers to the Association Chair ( SAchair@). They will let you know when your motion is due to be discussed in a meeting.
  4. Attend the meeting. You can introduce your motion, and engage in the debate. If this sounds scary, any of our current officers may be willing to introduce the motion on your behalf.



Past and present meeting agendas, minutes, and motions. Note that the Council year begins in April, since elections take place in March.


Executive Committee

Three members from both the SRC and SAF join the sabbs and Association Chair on the Students' Association Executive Committee (SAEC). This group is responsible for general management of Councils, approving changes to Constitutions and Laws, and for conferring awards such as Honorary Lifetime Memberships and the John Honey Award.

SAEC members
Name Committee position
Association President
Director of Education
Director of Wellbeing and Equality
Director of Events and Services
Director of Student Development and Activities
Athletic Union President
Association Chair
Ananya Jain SRC Senior Officer
Sarah Johnston SRC Secondary Nominee
Sandra Mitchell SRC Tertiary Nominee
Amy Feakes SAF Senior Officer
Andrew Longworth SAF Secondary Nominee
Chloe Fielding SAF Tertiary Nominee