Academic and personal help.
Social Media

You might consider making a social media account specific to your campaign so that you can share resources, calls to action, information and updates as the campaign progresses (see Save Our Scottish Unis and St Andrews SAAM for examples). Social media should not be the whole of your campaign, but it can be an important element that supports other pieces of work.

Practical points:

  • Consider which platform (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok) is going to be best for what you want to achieve and the types of people you are seeking to reach.
  • Make sure that any messaging ties in directly with your wider strategy, rather than you having separate messaging for social media. Your method for disseminating your message (i.e. videos, graphics, reels) will be different than if you were having a verbal conversation, but your messaging, aims, and mission statement should be consistent regardless of your method of communication.
  • Include calls to action, such as asking people to sign petitions, write to relevant officials, attend events etc.
  • Follow current trends on the platform you’re using, such as trending audio or music.
  • You could have a Linktree in your Instagram bio for your campaign if you are sharing resources, letter writing templates, petitions etc.
  • Update your followers as the campaign progresses. Let them know about your successes, roadblocks you are facing (if relevant), and how they can get involved. Don’t let updating social media become so low priority that you forget about it all-together and lose momentum.
  • Depending on the nature of your campaign, you may wish to consider using content warnings at the start of your posts, and include relevant support and signposting information too.
  • It’s important to consider the accessibility of social media content. The DSN have information about how to make social media more accessible in their Accessibility Training. Here are some ideas:
    • Use closed captions and transcription on videos.
    • Create image and video descriptions.
    • Documents should use an accessible format.