Resources to support struggling and abusive relationships in St Andrews.

How to spot an unhealthy relationship

It can be difficult to spot abusive behavior in a relationship, particularily when you are the victim. It is essential to acknowledge that this behaviour can display itself in more than just physical ways. Here are some resources describing what to watch out for in a relationship:

Dealing with arguments

Communication is good for all relationships, and involves letting a partner know how you feel. Whether through speech, writing, touch, or body language, communication is key to a healthy relationship. No matter how uncomfotable it may seem, being honest about how we feel is important for fostering trust.

Sometimes people clash, and arguments can occur. Communication is key for resolving conflict. Here are some guides for conflict resolution:

Communication is especially important in polyamorous relationships. Polyamory does not mean anything goes: many poly relationships have agreements and boundaries in place. Non-monogamous relationships involve informed consent. See A First Polyamory Guide and Navigating Poly Relationships for more information.


If you are in immediate danger call 999.

You do not have to wait for an emergency situation to seek help. If you are being abused, it is important to tell someone. You can:

There are many types of abuse, including physical, verbal, emotional, sexual, digital, stalking, and financial.

No one deserves abuse, and no one should have to put up with it. Abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, or any other factor. If it’s happening to you, it is not your fault. Furthermore, abuse can happen in any type of relationship, not just romantic ones.

Breaking up

The end of a relationship can be difficult, and isn’t always clear cut. More often than not, we feel torn about deciding when is the right time to end a relationship. See should I stay or should I go. If you are in an abusive relationship, seek help and make a safety plan to get out.

You can talk to Student Services Advisers or Counsellors about a difficult breakup, or any other relationship problems, by emailing theASC@, enquiring about an appointment, or calling 01334 462020