Resources to support mental health in St Andrews.
Mental health

Need help? Talk to someone.

The Student Mental Health Agreement

Universities and colleges across Scotland participate in creating their  Student Mental Health Agreements, in partnership with their Student Unions and Associations. In collaboration with students, these agreements form the basis of how whole institutions will approach student mental health and wellbeing over a two-year period.  

At the start of 2022, we surveyed students about the areas of wellbeing that are most important to them, and what they would like to change at the University and Students’ Association to help improve mental health and wellbeing. These responses and findings from other surveys, helped shape our thinking when we created the four priority areas for this agreement.

Learn more about the Student Mental Health Agreement here or read the  full agreement here. 


Self-harm is when you hurt yourself as a way of dealing with difficult feelings, painful memories, or overwhelming situations and experiences. There are multiple reasons why people may self-harm.

Eating difficulties and body image

Body image is the subjective sense we have of our appearance and our body. Unlike what others see when they look at us, our body image is often different from the objective size and shape of our body. It is common for people to feel dissatisfied with their body image, and this can affect one's self worth. In some cases, this can lead to mental health issues including a difficult relationship with food and eating. (National Centre for Eating Disorders, 2018)

Student Services provides support for students with eating disorders. You can phone 01334 462020, email theASC@, or enquire about an appointment.

Issues with alcohol

Is alcohol causing you issues?  You are not alone! This information is intended to give you information on different problems with alcohol and where to get help, and has been created by GotLimits.

What does it mean to have a problem with alcohol?

  • Alcohol Misuse: Alcohol misuse is when you drink in a way that's harmful, or when you're dependent on alcohol (NHS website)
  • Alcohol dependence: the term is still widely used (often interchangeably with ‘addiction’) to mean persistent drinking despite harmful consequences, a strong and often overwhelming desire to drink, and the prioritisation of drinking over other activities or obligations. Dependence can also be defined using AUDIT scores: a score of 20 or above signifies ‘probable dependence’ while a score of around 17-19 signifies possible dependence. ust as there is no clear line between harmful and dependent drinking, so dependence can vary in severity.” (Alcohol Change UK) 
  • Alcoholism: This term is mainly now not used in medical practice and is most used in Alcoholics Anonymous (Alcohol change UK). It denoted those who suffer from the disease of Alcoholism as defined in the Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book.
  • Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD): Alcohol use disorders' is an umbrella term used by the  WHO International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) to describe a range of mental health problems associated with alcohol. These include 'acute intoxication', 'harmful use', ‘dependence syndrome’, and 'pyschotic disorders'. The term is also used in the  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders  (DSM-5) where, using an 11-point scale, alcohol use disorders can be defined as mild, moderate or severe. (Alcohol change UK)

Helpful quizzes: 

Where to find further help: 

More information : 

  • Young and sober podcast 
  • Sober on a drunk planet podcast
  • 'The Good Drinker' by Adrian Chiles
  • Adrian Chiles 'Drinker like me' documentary
  • NHS site 
  • Alcohol change UK  


If you are interested in drug harm reduction, or looking for support around decreasing or stopping your drug usage, or resources around addiction, check out our drugs resource which has  information and signposting.

Imposter Phenomenon

Imposter phenomenon, also referred to as imposter syndrome, is a belief held by an individual that they are an intellectual fraud, soon to be exposed. A large majority of the general public experience imposter phenomenon, and being in academia only tends to increase this proportion. The combination of high standards and independent nature of the PGR journey often gives rise to imposter feelings within students. Imposter phenomenon can manifest through signs such as poor self-esteem, low self-confidence, and self-deprecation, which can take a toll on one’s wellbeing and their quality of work/life balance.

Over the past few years, The School of Psychology and Neuroscience have created and compiled a number of resources in collaboration with Student Services, to target the alleviation of imposter phenomenon amongst PGR students in particular. Although this is targeted towards PGR students, all students may still find our resources helpful. The resources can be accessed through this Linktree.

Signs you might be struggling to cope

Everyone has a different response when struggling to cope, but the following symptoms are common (Samaritans, 2018). If these describe you or someone you know, talk to someone.

  • Lacking energy or feeling tired
  • Feeling restless and agitated
  • Feeling tearful
  • Not wanting to talk to or be with people
  • Not wanting to do things you usually enjoy
  • Using alcohol or drugs to cope with feelings
  • Finding it hard to cope with everyday things
