
Your Career

Your career and life after University are important to think about now - research and preparation before you graduate will help you to find a job that you love. The University offers a lot of resources to help you with your employability, and this page should help you to understand where to go to for that support.

Careers Centre

The Careers Centre aims to help you find opportunities throughout your University experience and after graduation. Whether you are in first year, or within three years of graduation, the Careers Centre is there to support you through your journey.

They offer advice on all employability matters. You can:


The Careers Centre through their Opportunities Team actively engages with employers and Alumni locally and globally on your behalf. Offering Work Experience, Careers Fairs, Work Shadowing, Internships, Graduate Opportunities, Career Ready Sessions and Employer Events.

Keep up-to-date on social media:


Link to Careers

The Students' Association is working in partnership with the Careers Centre to provide the support and events that you want. Throughout the year School Presidents and Societies run career-based events for students.

The Link to Careers partnership encourages collaboration between these student groups and the Careers Centre to provide the highest quality events.

Are you a School President or society looking to host an event?

Upcoming Events

Find out more about these events on Career Connect.