Education Committee

Educom is here to represent student opinion on education issues. We are responsible for coordinating student representation within the University education structure.

The Education Committee (EduCom) is here to represent student opinion on education issues, in conjunction with the University and beyond. We are responsible for coordinating student representation within the University education structure.

The committee is co-chaired by the Arts & Divinity Faculty President and the Science & Medicine Faculty President, and consists of all School Presidents, Language Convenors, the Postgraduate Academic Convener and the Director of Education.

The DoEd, Faculty Presidents, and Postgraduate Academic Convener form the Education Executive Committee. This group helps to coordinate activities of the Education Committee, and ensures that SRC policies on education are being implemented.

We keep a list of former school presidents.

See our recent meeting minutes.



This group is a Union subcommittee, not a society, so everyone's automatically a member!

Subcommittees are large groups funded directly by the Union.

Interest list

Tick the box and hit Save to join the interest list for free. The subcommittee can send you their mailing list and other updates so you can see what they're up to.

Log in to register interest.



No news published.

No resources available.