Director of Education

Cam represents you when campaigning for improvements to academics.

Cam represents you when campaigning for improvements to academics.

About my Role

Read the Director of Education's full role description.

Cam Brown, as YOUR Director of Education (DoEd), is tasked with representing students on matters related to learning, teaching and research in St Andrews. As an elected representative, a central part of my role is to ensure student voices are heard and carefully considered at all levels of the University. Through serving as a trustee of both the University of St Andrews Students' Association and the University of St Andrews, I am well-placed to coordinate and escalate concerns related to educational experience at the all levels.

To keep up to date on what I am working on, you can follow me on Instagram (@yourdoed and @sta.educom) or follow @standrewsunion on Instagram! You are also always welcome to reach out to me through email with thoughts or concerns for anything related to education or academia in general.


Promises Delivered

Promises Delivered by the Director of Education

Semester One Sabbatical Reports

As we begin Semester Two, some of our Sabbatical Officers are keen to report on their achievements and progress during the first half of their terms.


A Little About Me

Hi I'm Cam! I'm thrilled to share a little of my story with you. While I was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, I grew up in the East Riding of Yorkshire, as well as being a resident of Singapore for six years.

Since a young age, I've had a strong passion for advocacy and campaigning. It's what drives me to make a difference. Between 2013 and 2014, I had the opportunity to serve as an interim National Executive for Student Voice. Since then I have held other roles that have allowed me to advocate for others.

Which is why law has always held a special place for me, so pursuing an undergrad in the field was a natural choice for me. From 2018 to 2021, I  completed my Bachelor of Law with Honours at the University of Chester.

In 2022, I took the next step in my academic journey by enrolling in the MLitt Legal and Constitutional Studies program, here, at the University of St Andrews. While immersing myself in all things law, I had the privilege of also being a Postgrad Representative for the School of History. Alongside that, I also had the great opportunity of being a Student Ambassador.

March 2023 was a monumental moment when I was elected as the Director of Education (DoEd). As the DoEd, I have the incredible responsibility of representing the student body in matters related to learning, teaching, and research. You can see a list of my top priorites below. I am passionate about ensuring that every student's voice is heard and that their educational experience is truly exceptional. 

Because together,


Your Priorities are My Priority

Key Issues

Extensions Policy

I am dedicated to working closely with the university to develop a new Extensions Policy that not only incorporates an efficient online portal but also strives for universality across schools. My goal is to establish a policy that sets a floor, not a ceiling, so that no matter where you are as a student, you can rely on a consistent and reliable process.

We understand that consistency is key, and you deserve to know what you can rely on, regardless of your faculty or program of study. By working collaboratively with the university and schools, I will lobby for a policy that establishes clear guidelines, sets reasonable expectations, and ensures that extensions are granted based on a fair and equitable framework.

Academic Alerts

Education is a journey of growth and development, and it's essential to have a robust support system in place to ensure your success. That's why I am dedicated to lobbying to reimagine the Academic Alert System, transforming it into a more proactive and student-centered framework that fosters academic progress and well-being.

Postgraduate Representation

As a Postgraduate, and former PG Rep, this is an issue close to my heart. Postgraduate students are an integral part of our university community, and it's time to reimagine and enhance their representation. I am committed to working towards a new era of postgraduate representation that ensures their voices are heard, needs are met, and concerns are addressed.

We will reimagine the role of postgraduate representation, making it more inclusive, dynamic, and responsive to the unique challenges faced by postgraduate students. We will work collaboratively with postgraduate presidents and reps to develop a fresh approach that champions their interests and aspirations.

24hr Study Space

Let's face it, studying isn't always a breeze, especially when you're stuck at home or in your dorm room. That's why I'm determined to address this issue head-on.  I understand the struggles of finding the perfect study spot, no matter the time of day. That's why I'm committed to collaborating with the University to establish a dedicated 24-hour study space, which is easily accessible and able to cater for all years.

Imagine having a place where you can immerse yourself in your studies, regardless of the hour. Inspired by the success of the Postgraduate Lounge and the inviting areas within Butts Wynd, I will advocate for a similar model tailored specifically to meet the needs of undergraduate students. Whether you're burning the midnight oil, need a change of scenery, or simply prefer a productive environment outside your usual surroundings, this dedicated 24-hour space will be your go-to spot to get your work done.

Retention and Reintegration Programme

Taking a leave of absence during your studies is sometimes necessary, and I firmly believe that we can work to get greater support throughout the process. That's why I am dedicated to collaborating with the university to establish a Retention and Reintegration Programme, ensuring that you receive the assistance you need during this period and prepare for a smooth transition back when you're ready.

The program should focus on making this process easier to navigate, providing clear guidelines, and ensuring that you have the necessary resources to make informed decisions about your leave of absence.  It should aim to alleviate concerns and uncertainties, allowing you to focus on what matters most: taking care of yourself and addressing the challenges you're facing. Then, when you're ready to return, the program will aim to facilitate a smooth reintegration back to studies.

Longer-Term Projects

Here are some key initiatives that hold immense potential for positive change, but they require a sustained commitment and collaborative effort to fully develop and implement. While these projects may take more time, they aim to represent unwavering dedication to making a lasting impact on the university community and creating an environment that fosters growth, inclusivity, and excellence.

Personal Academic Tutors

We all need a guiding hand on our academic journey, and that's why I'm passionate about revamping the Academic Advisor system. It's time for an upgrade that truly puts your needs first. Working with the University, I wish to introduce an initiative called the Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) scheme, designed to provide you with the support you need throughout your studies.

With the PAT scheme, you'll have a dedicated tutor who will be your go-to person, someone you can rely on for guidance, whether it's related to your academics or seeking additional support. Your PAT will be there to listen, offer advice, and help you navigate the challenges that arise during your university experience.

But the PAT scheme isn't just about individual support. It's about fostering a sense of community within your school. By being part of a PAT group, you'll have a network of fellow students who share your academic journey. These groups will provide a supportive environment where you can connect, share experiences, and offer mutual assistance. PATs will aim to hold regular one-to-one meetings with their students every semester. These check-ins will give you an opportunity to discuss your progress, address any concerns, and receive guidance to thrive academically.

Tuition Receipts

Your education matters, and I believe in providing you with the transparency you deserve when it comes to your tuition fees. That's why I want help coordinate with departments across the University to introduce a game-changing initiative: 'Tuition Receipts.'

Imagine having access to a detailed breakdown of where your hard-earned fees are allocated. With Tuition Receipts, you'll have a clear understanding of how your money is being utilized and the value you're receiving in return. It's about empowering you to make informed judgments about the education you're investing in.

These receipts won't just be about numbers and figures. They will highlight the extensive range of resources and support available to you beyond the lecture hall. From valuable study skills workshops to the career office that can shape your future, you'll be amazed at the wealth of out-of-classroom opportunities at your fingertips.


More On What The DoEd Does

Academic Representation

I lead the Education Executive team, consisting of the two Faculty Presidents and the PG Academic Convenor. In addition, I train and support the 29 School Presidents and Language Convenors and coordinate 350+ Class Reps. I also work closely with the Postgraduate Society President and the Postgraduate Development Officer more broadly on postgraduate issues.

The School Presidents and I meet weekly at Education Committee. The Rector, Deans of Science and Arts, and the Proctor (VP Education) also attend this committee. These platforms allow us to address major issues relating to learning and teaching in the University.

Postgraduate Representation

Postgraduates make up a significant portion of our student cohort; however, their voice often gets lost amongst the undergraduate majority. Alongside the PGT and PGR Presidents, I hope to build on the work of previous representatives to ensure postgraduates have the necessary feedback channels and individual platforms, both within their Schools and at a University level.

An important element of ensuring all postgraduate students feel their voices are represented is electing an appropriate number of postgraduate Class Reps. In academic year 2023-24, PG elections will take place in Semester 1. We are aiming to encourage as many postgrads as possible to put themselves forward for positions during this elections cycle. In academic year 2020-21, several changes to the PG representative system were recommended after a comprehensive review was undertaken and you can find more information on this here. We have made changes and built upon these since, to create fairer and better representation for all postgraduates. 

The PG Presidents will coordinate the PGT and PGR Forums. This will give postgraduate representatives, both taught and research, the opportunity to voice concerns and work constructively to address them. PG Reps from each School are invited to attend.

University Committees

As DoEd, I am involved in various working groups and committees working to create high quality educational experiences for all students in St Andrews. My main role on these groups is to convey student perspectives and advocate for student interests, such as on Education Strategic Managment Group, Learning and Teaching Committee, the Academic Monitoring Group, and University Court and Academic Senate.

I work closely with the Proctor’s Office and University staff on policies to ensure the high standard of teaching and research that St Andrews is known for is maintained and built upon. By ensuring the student voice is at the centre of discussion, I work to make sure that plans and decisions are responsive to student concerns. In this sense, every student is given the chance to shape their academic experience at St Andrews, as well as the long-term strategic direction of the University. 


As part of my employability remit, I work with the Director of Student Development and Activities, the Employability Officer, and Careers Centre staff to help academic representatives put on engaging School-specific careers events.

The School President Advisory Group (SPAG), which is a sub-group of Education Committee, works to bring the student view into the development of the Careers Centre. Three School Presidents from each Faculty sit on SPAG to share feedback regarding career support, events, and specific School needs. The group works to ensure that School Presidents are supported in their roles as well as to ensure that the Careers Centre is meeting the needs of the growing student body.

The Careers & Employability School Role position helps to support School Presidents in creating and running events through liaising with Schools' Careers Link and the Careers Centre. They assist in gathering and responding to student requests and feedback, attend the Careers & Employability Forums twice per semester and provide support for the School President throughout the year.

Community and Events

As School Presidents are drivers of community-building within their Schools, it is important to include them in the efforts to integrate and build a postgraduate sense of community. We want to empower School Presidents, Language Convenors, and PG Reps to run events which are appealing and engaging to both UG and PG cohorts.

Additionally, the Faculty Presidents and I work to facilitate and support interdepartmental events as well as the sharing of ideas and solutions through pre-EduCom meetings and socials. If you have an idea for an event, feel free to reach out! By creating multiple avenues which are responsive to feedback, we hope to build an appealing role which gives individuals the ability to shape their School environment – even within the short time that they are here.

All postgraduate students are automaticlaly members of the Postgraduate Society (a Subcommittee of the Association), which serves to organise socials, promote wellbeing, and supplement academic representation.


I aim to ensure the work of academic and other representatives in St Andrews is fairly credited and highlighted to the student community. Education Committee runs a Facebook page and Instagram account, where you can find regular updates from your academic representatives. You can find updates on what I get up to by following @yourdoed on instagram. I always aim to operate with openness, honesty, and fairness - you are more than welcome to send me an email if you have thoughts or concerns about your studies, academic progression, or University policy. I help where I can and signpost where needed!


Previous holders

This Sabbatical position was created in 2017, when the Director of Representation (DoRep) was split into two roles: the DoEd and DoWell. Past DoReps are included here for reference.

Directors of Education

Year Name Resources
2024/25 Hitanshi Badani  
2023/24 Cam S. Brown


S1 Report


2022/23 AK Schott  
2021/22 Leonie Malin



2020/21 Amy Gallacher


2019/20 Amy Bretherton


2018/19 Alice Ruby Foulis


2017/18 Zachary Davis


Directors of Representation 

Year Name Resources
2016/17 Jack Carr  
2015/16 Joe Tantillo  
2014/15 Ondrej Haljda


2013/14 Teddy Woodhouse


2012/13 Amanda Litherland


2011/12 Sam Fowles