Postgraduate Development Officer

Creates new PG development opportunities.

About the Role

The Postgraduate Development Officer, supports and enhances the non-academic aspects of postgraduate students’ lives at the University of St Andrews.

Specifically, the Postgraduate Development Officer:

  • Represents postgraduate students in non-academic matters:  careers, entrepreneurship, skill building and employability.
  • Liaises with CEED, Careers Centre, Entrepreneurship Centre and be their postgraduate point of contact.
  • Is an active member of the Postgraduate Society Committee and Students’ Representative Council.
  • Keeps in regular contact with Postgraduate Students keeping them updated about issues affecting the postgraduate community.
  • Liaises with the Provost Office and Proctor’s Office, CEED, Careers Centre, Entrepreneurship Centre  and Library, about Postgraduate issues.
  • Liaises with the Director of Student Development and Activities, the Director of Education and other elected officers.
  • Liaises with St Leonard’s College and other relevant members of staff.

Note on Eligibility: Only postgraduate students matriculated for the full term of office may run for this role during the Association Elections.

Role Holders take office in October and serve until the following September. On average, the Postgraduate Development Officer spends between 5 and 10 hours a week on their role.

If you would like to join the efforts or have any ideas about how you'd like to see this be done, please feel free to email me at PGdevo@!

Previous holders

Year Name Resources
2023/24 Klaudia Grat  
2022/23 Samuel Woodall  
2021/22 Abd Alsattar Ardati



2020/21 Jasmine Rodriguez (co-opted)




2018/19 Courtney Aitken


2017/18 Mizuki Morisaki