Employability Officer

Thomas works to enhance students' career outcomes.

Thomas works to enhance students' career outcomes.

About the Position

Thomas Carey, as YOUR Employability Officer, represents students on employability and careers issues. The Employability Officer informs the employability strategy of the Students’ Association and support the Careers Centre in reaching the student body, lobby and influencing careers services offered by the University.

Specifically, the Employability Officer:

  • Chairs and convenes the Careers and Employability Forum (CEF) twice per semester.
  • Supports School Presidents, Language Convenors, and School Careers & Employability Reps in organising career-related events or initiatives.
  • Collaborate with the Careers Centre on Careers Week
  • Reviews and implements the Association’s Employability Strategy.
  • Serves on the Student Representative Council (SRC)
  • Advises School Presidents and Language Convenors on matters relating to careers
  • Liaises with Careers Centre staff, including the Assistant Director.

Role Holders take office in April and serve until the following March. On average, the Employability Officer spends between 10 and 15 hours a week on their role.

Any student is eligible to run for this role in the Association Elections, so long as they will be matriculated for the full term of office.


Previous holders

Year Name Resources
2023/24 Jacob   
2022/23 Mathis Bourassa   
2021/22 Rhea Meher Soni


2020/21 (Position removed)






2017/18 Pat Shareefy


2016/17 Francis Newman


2015/16 Nils Turner


2014/15 Lydia Bowden





