St Andrews Students' Association
The Student Mental Health Agreement

The Student Mental Health Agreement

The Student Mental Health Agreement (SMHA) is a partnership project between the Students’ Association and the University, which is overseen by Think Positive, an NUS Scotland project.

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Student Mental Health Agreement 2022-24 Update 

What is the Student Mental Health Agreement? 

The Student Mental Health Agreement (SMHA) is a partnership project between the Students’ Association and the University, which is overseen by Think Positive, an NUS Scotland project. 86% of colleges and universities in Scotland have SMHAs. SMHAs allow students’ associations and their host institution to work together and set priorities to support student mental health and wellbeing.  

The SMHA is overseen by a steering group of Students’ Association representatives and University staff, co-led by the Director of Wellbeing & Equality. Our current agreement was launched in the spring of 2022, and it was informed by an SMHA survey, other institutional data, and feedback from student representatives. The Agreement covers four key priority areas: 

  1. Improving awareness of and access to support services 

  2. Promoting academic wellbeing 

  3. Supporting our diverse community 

  4. Creating rewarding wellbeing training opportunities  

Successes from the current agreement  

  • Relaunched GotLimits, the drug and alcohol harm reduction strand of StAnd Together  

  • Achieved the EmilyTest Charter  

  • Successful partnerships with external agencies (e.g. FRASAC, Nilaari, Nafsiyat

  • Improved publicity of crisis support (including in staff email signatures, on social media, and QR codes in University halls) 

  • Incremental improvements to the University website, including the Student Services website 

  • Creation of Saints Solidarity and GotSolidarity, which focus on tackling hate incidents, and creating an inclusive and welcoming community 

  • Expansion of training for Students’ Association representatives and volunteers, spearheaded by your Sabbatical Officers  

  • Professional development for Student Services staff, so they can better support students with various experiences and backgrounds (including on trans issues and anti-racism) 

  • Improved connections between School Wellbeing Officers 

Moving forward  

The SMHA helps us to recognise and build upon the phenomenal work of staff and students to make St Andrews a compassionate, safe, and inclusive place. Our SMHA is due for a refresh in 2024, and we’ll be gathering student feedback in the new academic year to see what you think our priorities should be. 

You can find out more about the Student Mental Health Agreement here.
