Refreshers' Fayre 2025 Stall Applications
The Fayre will take place from 1pm to 4pm on Sunday 2nd February in the Union building.
If you are an external organisation please email [email protected] with your enquiry.
Q: How do I sign up for a stall at the Fayre?
A: Signup via this form if you are an unaffiliated student group or University department. If you are an affiliated group you will have recieved an email straight to your inbox.
Q: Is there a deadline to submit applications?
A: Yes, please fill out the form by 11th January.
Q: How much does it cost?
A: Unaffiliated student groups and University departments only pay £25 for a stall, while affiliated societies get a spot for free.
Q: How do I find out if I've gotten a spot/where I am on the map?
A: Everyone should know if they have a spot by January 17th , so keep an eye on your email inbox! We're aiming to release the map to all stall holders by the 24th of January, which is nine days before the Fayre.
Q: Who else will be there?
A: Sports clubs and affiliated societies, as well as other student groups, University departments and joint projects, and some external organisations too!