Dear Students and Colleagues,
We are writing to you about the protests and violence which have affected a number of towns and cities in England and Northern Ireland recently.
Our University community is spread to the four winds at this time of year, and we recognise that many of you, and your families, may be concerned or have questions about what you have seen on the news, and how or if it might affect you as you prepare to return to St Andrews for our new academic year.
We know that some of you are either working in, or close to areas affected by the protests, and that, especially for people of colour, this will have been a distressing experience.
We want you to know that the University and the Students’ Association are here to support you, and to offer reassurance and practical advice.
St Andrews has survived and flourished for six centuries because it has always been a beacon for scholars and students from every continent. Our plurality of races, religions, and world views is, and always will be, our greatest strength, and every one of us has a right to feel safe, valued, protected, and that we belong here. We condemn all forms of racism, prejudice and hate.
St Andrews is hundreds of miles from the sites of these abhorrent anti-immigration protests; our town is peaceful, currently sun-drenched, and buzzing with holidaymakers and international visitors.
There have been no protests or violence in Scotland to date, but that does not mean that anyone here is complacent. The Scottish Government and Police Scotland have contingencies in place, and we are all monitoring developments closely.
In the past week, it has been heartening to see the groundswell of huge counter-protests in many of the communities originally targeted by the far-right, a reminder that those behind the anti-immigration rhetoric are a tiny minority.
We will all do our utmost to make sure St Andrews remains a place of warmth, belonging, and inclusivity for all. We promise to keep you updated, and will contact you by email if the current situation changes significantly.
If any of you have concerns or questions, the list of links and resources at the foot of this message may be helpful.
Professor Dame Sally Mapstone FRSE
Principal and Vice-Chancellor
Cam S. Brown
President, University of St Andrews Students’ Association
Caitlin Ridgway
Director of Wellbeing and Equality, University of St Andrews Students' Association
Hitanshi Badani
Director of Education, University of St Andrews Students' Association
Director of Student Development and Activities, University of St Andrews Students' Association
Milo Hill
Director of Events and Services, University of St Andrews Students' Association
Olivia King
Athletic Union President, University of St Andrews Students' Association
Support resources
You can pick up Student Services’ guide to report and support options following experiences of harassment or hate-related incidents from the ASC and the Students’ Association