Thank you to the 3,479 St Andrews students who voted for their Class and PG Representatives this autumn. Enthusiasm has never been higher at the Undergraduate level; over 600 candidates stood for election in their Schools.
Thank you to the 3,479 St Andrews students who voted for their Class and PG Representatives this autumn. Enthusiasm has never been higher at the Undergraduate level; over 600 candidates stood for election in their Schools. Postgraduate engagement remained roughly the same as last year, with about 70% of roles filled by the close of voting.

Undergraduate Class Rep Elections
This year, several roles were introduced to the Elections. Previously, the Disability & Academic Support Rep as well as the Careers & Employability Rep were selected internally among elected Class Representatives. In 2022-23, these positions were up for a School-wide vote alongside the Sustainability Rep and new Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Rep roles.
Some key statistics from the 2022-23 Class Rep Elections include:
- 3038 unique voters sent in a ballot
- 629 candidates stood for a position
- 50.1% of roles were contested (i.e. more than one candidate stood for election).
The number of candidates in the 2022-23 Class Rep Elections is an all-time recorded high in any previous Students’ Association Election in St Andrews!
Postgraduate Rep Elections
Two Student Representative Council posts, the PG Activities Officer and PG Development Officer were elected in the October elections. Several new EDI Officer roles were also made available at the University-wide level.
Some key statistics from the 2022-23 Postgraduate Rep Elections include:
- 441 unique voters sent in a ballot
- Down 1% (6 votes!) from last year
- 92 candidates stood for a position
- Down 10% (10 candidates) from last year
- 22.9% of roles were contested (i.e. more than one candidate stood for election).
Despite the very slight dip in overall votes, the ratio of votes per position available was up by approximately 12% this year, probably due to the removal of Sustainability Rep positions in each School.
Detailed results (of who was Elected to which role, and by what margin) are available in the Elections Portal.
Students interested in getting involved in representation or Elections can always email [email protected] to learn more about current and upcoming opportunities.