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Forthcoming Events

Sun 16th March

Biology Society Ceilidh BioBall
7pm - 11pm
St Andrews Bowling Club
Come along to the BioSoc annual Ceilidh there will be snacks, a bar and a live band to Ceilidh the night away

Fri 28th March

St Andrews Jazz Festival Concert
7pm - 8:30pm
MacPherson Recital Room, Laidlaw Music Centre
St Andrews Jazz Festival Presents: Ben Shankland and Sam Hancock Duo

Fri 4th April

Ukelear Fusion: Knowing Me, Knowing Uke
7:30pm - 8:30pm
McPherson Recital Room, Laidlaw Music Centre
Come and see Ukelear Fusion in their second semester concert!

Sat 19th April

St Andrews Symphony Orchestra
7:30pm - 9:30pm
Holy Trinity Church, South Street
Come and see Symphony Orchestra in their second semester concert!

Tue 22nd April

A Night With the Bands
7:30pm - 9:30pm
Holy Trinity Church, South Street
Come and see Wind Band and Big BUStA in their second semester concert!

Thu 24th April

St Andrews Strings & Chamber Choir
7:30pm - 9pm
McPherson Recital Room, Laidlaw Music Centre
Come and see St Andrews Strings and Chamber Choir in their second semester concert!
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