Societies Committee

We support the many and diverse societies of the Students' Association. The committee manage the administration for over 100 societies throughout the academic year!

The Societies Committee is here to help our societies flourish! We can help fund events or projects, give advice, and guide you through the affiliations process. Affliated societies are connected to the Students' Association through the committee, ensuring access to the support we give. This includes:

  • Managing affiliation and reaffiliation.
  • Organising society training.
  • Providing financial assistance through grants and loans, from the Societies Fund and other specialised funds.
  • Supporting elections at Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs).
  • Promoting society events and activities.
  • Holding society office hours.
  • Providing advice and support.

Committee 2024-25

The Student Activities Co-ordinator, Archie Ronald, assists the committee with our administration.
Position Name Email
SRC Societies Officer Caitie Steele socs@
Grants Officer Jacob Carey SocGrant@
Grants Assistant Pedro Silva  
Affiliations Officer Armin Lassl NewSocs@
Affiliations Assistant Luke Baird  
Secretary Rosie Leslie socretary@
Project and Events Officer  Zak Gainey  
Publicity Office Scott Sambrook socpublicity@
General Members Abby Kelley  

Office Hours

Please email us, or come to our office hours, if you want advice regarding your society!

Public Committee meetings at 14:00 - 16:00 on Wednesday in Society Room C.

These are open for all students to attend. 

Societies Officer – Arranged by request. Please email socs@

The Societies Officer offers helo to presidents, and overall society administration.

Grants Officer – Monday, 15:00 - 16:00, Meeting Room.

The Grants Officer (socgrants@) offers help with our grants system, and provides advice to treasurers.

Secretary and Elections Officer – Arranged by request. Please email [email protected].

The Secretary helps with society elections, communications, and general organisation.

Affiliation Officer – Arranged by request. Please email NewSocs@

The Affiliations Officer helps new societies affiliate to the union. Email them to get help creating a new society!



This group is a Union subcommittee, not a society, so everyone's automatically a member!

Subcommittees are large groups funded directly by the Union.

Interest list

Tick the box and hit Save to join the interest list for free. The subcommittee can send you their mailing list and other updates so you can see what they're up to.

Log in to register interest.


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No resources available.