Meet people, do stuff.
Shire of Caer Caledon

Medieval re-enactment society: home of fighting, feasts, and fun.

All of our activites are divided amongst our various Guilds:


All kinds of medieval crafting, including leather-working, shoe-making, shield-making, and jewellery workshops.


Do you write poetry, play an instrument, or just enjoy performing? The Bardic Guild runs regular sessions to help folk to improve their craft and, at feasts or bonfires, perform them.


Beer! Mead! Ale! Learn how to make the finest of brews with advice from our more experienced members, or experiment for yourself. A fun and versatile life skill.


Clothiers make clothes for fighting in (and just for fun) from various fabrics. We provide sewing machines, cloth, and guidance, and you can make whichever articles you need.


The Cooks' Guild uses authentic recipes to create medieval food, some of which may appear at our bi-semesterly feasts.


Sessions are run by local training officers every week, on the lawn behind the library in semester 1 and on North Haugh (near the Gateway building) in semester 2. No experience or kit is needed to join in. If you're a student, the £3 Shire membership fee covers insurance, although if you are not a student you need to join another re-enactment group (e.g. Company of St Margaret, Knights of Monymusk) in order to be covered by their insurance whilst fighting with us.

In addition to the above we also run feasts, bonfires, and collaboration events with other societies. Whilst we have mainly seen a focus on re-enactment of medieval Europe, we'll be very happy to expand our repertoire to include other time periods and cultures if you'd like to bring something new to the table.

Questions? Send us an email ([email protected]) or shoot us a message via Instagram.



  • Shire of Caer Caledon - Standard Membership£3.00 Buy

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