Meet people, do stuff.

Welcome to the St Andrews Psychiatry Society! Our main aim is to promote Psychiatry as a career and provide a safe space for students to discuss and find out more about mental health matters.

Our past events include talks with exciting speakers from the field of Psychiatry discussing latest discoveries, discussions with patients about their experiences, or charity open mics supporting local mental health charities. We are also planning to organise fun socials where you’ll have the opportunity to find like-minded people with passion for mental health.

You don’t have to be a medical student to be a member of PsychSoc or enjoy our events. Whether you’re interested in Psychiatry as a career or you’re passionate about mental health, or you just want to have fun and learn something new in the process, come and join us!

If you want to find out more, check out our social media or get in touch with us via email: [email protected]



  • Psychiatry - Standard Membership£3.00 Buy

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