Welcome to the St Andrews Psychiatry Society!
We are committed to promoting Psychiatry as a medical specialty and exploring its various vocations. Our goal is to foster a deeper understanding of Psychiatry, encourage academic discussion, and provide valuable resources for those interested in this field. We are affiliated with the Royal College of Psychiatry, and engage in a network with university Psychiatry Societies all across the UK.
Our events include academic talks with leading professionals, discussions on the latest developments in Psychiatry, and collaborative campaigns with other student-led societies. We send a regular newsletter to keep our members up to date with the socities events, as well as any incoming research oppurtunities and occasionally some good craic too. We aim to create a space where students from all disciplines can engage with and learn more about Psychiatry and what it has to offer!
If you are a medical student interested in pursuing a career in Psychiatry, this is the society you should definitely join, if you're a medical student who thinks 'absolutely not' or has (like most of us) no idea, then we would encourage you to come along even more - this complex and evolving speciality might just be what captivates you!
You don’t have to be a medical student to be a member of PsychSoc or attend our events. Whether you're considering Psychiatry as a career, or simply have an interest in the specialty, we welcome you to join us!
For more information, follow us on social media or contact us via email: [email protected]
Co - President's: Libbi Wise (lw240) + Oliver Forbes (of23)
Secretary: Grace Adesanya (aa403)
Treasurer: June Law (rw257)
Research rep: Max Morell (mm597)
Non-medic rep: Thane Graham (tag26)
Social media rep: Holly Roberts (hr74)
Second year rep: Georgia Kontominas (gk78) + Peace Omotosho (po45)
Third year rep: Ramsay Meek (rgm9)
ScotGEM rep: Tatenda Gochera (tg219)
Events rep: Imaan Hussain (ih73)