Meet people, do stuff.

Helping connect students to the marine world!

Our  society  hold  inclusive  events  that  help  get  students involved in all things marine! 

You don't need to have any science background to get involved with us, just an interest in the marine world.

We hold beach cleans and rockpooling events, often collabing with different societies, as well as educational events like  talks from lecturers and sessions with  conservationists. We have  fun marine pub-quizzes, beachy art and crafts sessions, film screenings and even  trips to the aquarium! 

Through events like these, our members will be able to actively connect to and participate  in the marine world and make   a positive difference to our oceans and our planet. 

Our membership is only £3 for the entire year. 

We also want to engage and hear  back from our members, tell   us  what events you want to see us hold, or collabs you'd like us to do! As a member, this will be your society, and we are keen to hear from you. 

For any questions and to join our mailing list, please email     StAMarineSoc@( or send us a DM on Instagram (@standrewsmarinesociety)



  • Marine - Standard Membership£3.00 Buy

Interest list

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