Meet people, do stuff.

Providing a space for chemists and non-chemists alike.

Welcome to ChemSoc! Open to all members of the university community, we run exciting events throughout the year to provide a space for chemists and non-chemists alike to socialise and network! Keep an eye out for events such as our infamous pub quizzes, Christmas party, and the biggest night out in chemistry - our Annual Charity ChemBall!.

Join us for just £5 for the full academic year.


  • Chemistry - Standard Membership£5.00 Buy

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Annual Charity ChemBall 22 February Annual Charity ChemBall 2024/25
22nd February
Holy Trinity Church Hall, KY16 9QF
Get ready to spark up some fun at ChemBall 2024/25 - a night catalysed by dance, bonding and celebration.


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