Meet people, do stuff.

The perfect society to meet other people with a fascination with fossils and a passion for the history of life on Earth! Come to learn more about Palaeontology or share your pre-existing passion!

PalaeoSoc is the place to be for all things fossilised and fun! 

Our mix of social events (such as pub quizzes, crafts and movie screenings) and more academically-focused discussions means there is something for all levels of Palaeo-enthusiasts! Whether you're into dinosaurs or Devonian reefs, there's something here for you! We also plan to run fossil-hunting field trips to the surrounding localities in Fife and beyond. St Andrews is the perfect place to be a fossil-fan!

Our committee look forward to welcoming you to PalaeoSoc and sharing our passion for the history of life on Earth with you!


  • Palaeontological - Year Membership£5.00 Buy
  • Palaeontological - Semester 2 Membership£3.00 Buy

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