Our contact info, opening hours, policies, and more

Permanent Staff Members

Senior Management Team

Antony Blackshaw - Interim Chief Executive

Chris Clarke - Deputy General Manager / Operations Manager

Iain Cupples - Human Resources Manager / Education Advocate

Rachel Hughes - Design and Marketing Manager

Student Engagement Team

Chase Greenfield - Academic Representation Co-ordinator

Holly McDonald - Campaigns and Impact Co-ordinator

Archie Ronald - Student Activities Co-ordinator

Jackie Mason - Advocacy Co-ordinator

Design and Marketing Team

Erin Chalmers - Design and Media Assistant

Paris Triantafyllou - Digital Communications Coordinator

Building Operations Team

Phil Hulse – Building Manager

Robert Dibb – Duty Facilities Manager

Amanda Barnes – Porter

Alan Peebles - Porter

Angus Smart - Porter

Scott Wilson-Walker – Customer Safety Duty Manager

Christopher Gordon – Customer Safety Supervisor

Matt McHale – Customer Safety Supervisor

Catering Team

Samantha Robertson – Catering Manager

Nicole Petrie – Assistant Catering Manager

Kevin O'Neil – Head Chef

Sharon McLeod – Kitchen Supervisor

Charlene Dick – Catering Supervisor

Anton McAleese – Team Leader

Jade Lumsden – Team Leader

Nancy Bryson - Team Leader

Adam Ellahi – Catering Assistant

Donna Scott – Catering Assistant

Bars Team

Susan (Pee) McCulloch – Bars Manager

Scott Cull – Deputy Bars Manager

Marc Fox – Bars Supervisor

Accounts Team

Joyce Ferguson – Senior Accounts Assistant

Tanya Barnes – Cash Office Assistant

Reception Team

Christine Miller - PA to GM, Administrator / Clerk to Students' Association Board

Baiba Uldrike - Receptionist

Hayley Lennie - Receptionist

Lisa Reid – Receptionist


Staff documents
Building and Equipment Fault
Incidents and Complaints
Email signatures

Staff should use the standard Union email signature on all outgoing emails. Follow Microsoft's instructions to set up an email signature in Outlook.

Copy and paste our template email signature into the Outlook signature settings, and remember to insert your name, pronouns (such as he/him, she/her, they/them, or remove that section if you'd prefer not to share them), and job title. If you have a direct phone line, you can change the 2700 extension to your own.

Some additional information may be required if you work in certain departments regarding specific signposting or confidentiality so feel free to add additional text if it is truly required.


Any health and safety concerns should be reported to your line manager, or our HR Manager, Iain Cupples (inc@).

Leave application
Wisdom - (only available to permanent staff)
Van insurance
Casual staff pay dates
Pay date Dates covered (inclusive)
30th December 2024 4th November to 1st December
30th January 2025 2nd December to 12th January
27th February 13th January to 9th February
28th March 10th February to 9th March
29th April 10th March to 6th April
29th May 7th April to 4th May
27th June 5th May to 8th June
30th July 9th June to 6th July
28th August 7th July to 10th August
29th September 11th August to 7th September
30th October 8th September to 5th October
27th November 6th October to 9th November
30th December 10th November to 7th December