Wednesday 22/03/23
Clinical Skills Room 359
Want to know if you’re right? Here are the answers…
In October 2022, the University and College Union membership voted to take industrial action (which includes strike action) all across the United Kingdom. The resources on this webpage are intended to serve as a resource and source of information for students at the University of St Andrews who may have questions about industrial action.
Yemen has been home to a devastating, protracted conflict since it was swept up in political uprisings as part of the Arab Spring in 2011. The country has been torn apart by violence, particularly since the start of the Civil War in 2014 which is ongoing today. There are over 30 fronts across Yemen and fighting is carried out by various armed domestic groups, as well as there being significant involvement by regional powers, particularly the Saudi-led coalition.
Thank you to the 3,479 St Andrews students who voted for their Class and PG Representatives this autumn. Enthusiasm has never been higher at the Undergraduate level; over 600 candidates stood for election in their Schools.
We’re excited to announce that in the StudentCrowd Awards 2024 the University of St Andrews was voted #1 Best University for several categories.
The Student Mental Health Agreement (SMHA) is a partnership project between the Students’ Association and the University, which is overseen by Think Positive, an NUS Scotland project.
Want to know what we’ve been up to this year?
Nominations for the 2024 Student Excellence Awards are now open!
Our 2024 Students' Assocation Elections ran from 11th - 28th March
Promises Delivered by the Director of Education
As we move through Semester 2 we thought an update on our performance and club venues would be welcome.
I’ve been working on creating a support resource for students who engage in sex work, and I’m delighted to say that the resource is now live on the Students’ Association website.
Semester 2: A reminder of what we can do for you
Model 2a has been formally adopted.
Help Support the Campus Larder!
As we begin Semester Two, some of our Sabbatical Officers are keen to report on their achievements and progress during the first half of their terms.
Today (Monday 22nd January 2024) we launch an ambitious and comprehensive Change Programme.
The guide covers areas from explaining the crisis, money and benefits, food and drink, and provision for families and carers.