
House style

  • Formal Reference: Our organisation is formally known as the University of St Andrews Students' Association, abbreviated to the Students' Association. Note the position of the apostrophe.
  • Informal Reference: Informally, we are referred to as the Union. Historically, this term referred to the building housing the Students' Association. While 'The Association' and 'Union' have been used interchangeably, 'Union' should be avoided in formal and legal documents.
  • Branding Terms: Moving forward, 'The Union' and 'Your Union' encompasses all services offered by the Students' Association, including commercial services, representation, advocacy, and student activities, and should be used accordingly. 
  • Visual Identity:
    • Association Crest: Reserved exclusively for formal use by the Association Board, such as official statements and ceremonial purposes.
    • Your Union Logo: The preferred visual identity for all other communications and materials.
  • Additional Style Points:
    • The town is St Andrews, not St. Andrews.
    • Use a comma between elements (including before 'and' or 'or') in a series of three or more items.
    • The Students' Association organises Freshers' Week, which forms part of the University's Orientation Week.
    • Ampersands (&) should be avoided except in official titles.
    • Academic years should be written with a slash and abbreviation: 2024/25.
    • Use convenor as opposed to convener.
    • When referring to the Union's floors, use topmiddle, and ground, not 1st or 2nd.
    • Use semester one and semester two, as opposed to Semester 1 or Spring semester.
    • In a bulleted list, each bullet point that is a complete sentence should start with a capital letter and end with a full stop.


  • Page URLs should include a hyphen between words, e.g.
  • Where an email address or external link includes multiple words, the first letter of each word should be capitalised, e.g. [email protected] or
  • Links should not display http://www.
  • Downloadable documents should be in .pdf format. If a document is intended to be edited beyond a signature and date, e.g. an application form, it should instead be in .docx format.

Colour scheme

The Students' Association's branding focuses on a tricolour design: blue for events and spaces, yellow for representation, and crimson for activities.

Areas Colour Hex code  
Events, spaces Blue #00AEEF  
Representation Yellow #E3B338  
Activities and Societies Crimson #D91B5B  
Admin and other Grey #3D3937  


  • The Students' Association logo uses Gotham.


The images below may be used on marketing material associated with the Students' Association.

Please note the Students' Association Crest is for use by our Board and for ceremonial purposes only. It can be available upon request.