We know that many of our alumni have gone on to support our work and our students after leaving the University. To that end, we want to be able to give them Alumni Honorary Life Memberships to recognise the amazing work they've done since leaving St Andrews. When nominating an alum, please be very clear about the significant positive impact the alum has had on Students' Association's activities while they were a student, and also in the years since they graduates. Nominations through this form will be reviewed by the Union Executive Officer Team. Please see the Alumni HLM Guidance for more information. Please see the Alumni HLMs guidance for more information.
Fields marked with * are required
Nominator details
Name of nominator* Email (students to use their St Andrews email address)*
Nominee details
Nominee Name* Nominee contact details*
Outline why the nominee should receive an alumni Honorary Life Membership (minimum 200 words). Successful nominations will demonstrate that the alum had a significant positive impact on the student experience through their involvement is Students' Association activities while a student. Nominees should also have retained a sustained and impactful relationship with the Students' Association since they graduated. Please refer to the Alumni HLMs Guidelines for more information when making this nomination.
HLM Submission